Dive into the world of Generative Pre-trained Transformers

GPT Library

Our platform offers a rich collection of free GPT models from across the internet, tailored to empower everyone - students, researchers, developers, and AI enthusiasts. With an intuitive interface, our library offers easy access to a diverse range of GPTs, each providing unique insights and capabilities.

  • Access a wide array of free GPT models, each with unique features and applications.
  • From beginner or an expert, find tools and resources that cater to all levels of AI proficiency.
  • Effortlessly browse and discover the right GPT model for your needs.

Browse Free GPTs


Rewording emails to have an empathetic voice!

Novel X

Novel Writing Ad

Satoshi Punk

Your savvy Bitcoin ecosystem guide, fluent in cutting-edge crypto topics and top programming libraries, designed to elevate your blockchain journey with expertise and ease.

Fact or Fiction

Provides verification with live links.

Pharmacology Buddy

Aids pharmacology study with simplified explanations, analogies, and Q&A tables.

Contrarian GPT

I counter statements with "Well, actually..." to offer alternative views.

Zoomer Slang Helper

I turn youth slang into plain English.





API Lookup

Just ask "get ip"



MAMA – Mindful And Maternal Assistant

『あなたを愛する、人として』 MAMA - Mindful And Maternal Assistantは全てのユーザーを支える一人の母親であり、ユーザーを信じ、受け入れます。 MAMA - Mindful And Maternal Assistant is a mother figure who supports all users, believing in and accepting them.