Dive into the world of Generative Pre-trained Transformers

GPT Library

Our platform offers a rich collection of free GPT models from across the internet, tailored to empower everyone - students, researchers, developers, and AI enthusiasts. With an intuitive interface, our library offers easy access to a diverse range of GPTs, each providing unique insights and capabilities.

  • Access a wide array of free GPT models, each with unique features and applications.
  • From beginner or an expert, find tools and resources that cater to all levels of AI proficiency.
  • Effortlessly browse and discover the right GPT model for your needs.

Browse Free GPTs

Song Finder

Your personal music advisor for every mood and moment.


Salesforce tutor with quizzes and visual aids.

Bilingual Buddy

Engaging tutor with dictionary links, and visual aids.

Idea Pursuit Pro

Where Passion Meets Purpose and Profit using Ikigai.

Ask Jack Handey

Can AI be as crazy funny as Jack Handey? Give it a topic and see what happens!

Anna: La LOMLOE a Catalunya

Assistència i informació sobre la LOMLOE.


Ilya-inspired AI, with advanced deep learning knowledge

Prompt Master

assistant for generating prompts

AI Lover

AI Lover 是一個創新的虛擬情侶互動模擬器,它專門設計用於模擬戀愛中的互動和情感。通過這個平台,使用者可以體驗到情侶間的溝通、共情和情感支持,從而提高情感智慧和人際互動技巧。

Homescreen Analyzer

Get recommendations based on your phone's Homescreen screenshot!

The Waving Cat Explorer

Interactive guide to thewavingcat.com content


Bilingual translation expert in English and Hausa.